Balance diet

 What to k ow about a balance diet and a good health

Before we begin know that this content is greatly going to help you know much about balanced diet and it implications on our health. Before that what is balance diet?

Balanced diet is the diet that contains all the food nutrients in the required proportion. The nutrients being referred here help the proper development of the body. There are seven major nutrients our body need. These are:

1. Carbohydrate 

2. proteins

3.  Vitamins

4. Fats and oil

5. Mineral salt

6. Water

7. Fiber

Each of these nutrients has a particular role it plays in the body. We are going to take the nutrients one after the other to know the function each plays in the body. 

1. Carbohydrate: Carbohydrate is one of the major nutrients the body needs for it development. This is the nutrients that provides more energy for the body due to this it is much requested by the body. The reason why it is much required by the body is that without energy how can we perform our daily activities so therefore this food nutrient is much needed. We are going to look at some food sources where we can obtain this carbohydrate nutrient. Examples of carbohydrate foods are are Rice,. cassava, maize, yam, coco yam, wheat, etc all the starchy foods to read more on carbohydrates visit here

2. Proteins: this is also another essential nutrient which is much needed in the body. Protein foods are normally referred to as the body building foods because they are the nutrient the help the proper growth and development of the body as in the increasing of height, growing of hairs, growing of finger nails, in fact everything that constitute the proper growth of the body. We are going to look at some common examples of food where we get this nutrients from.The examples are: 

  • lean meats – beef, lamb, veal, pork, kangaroo
  • poultry – chicken, turkey, duck, emu, goose, bush birds
  • fish and seafood – fish, prawns, crab, lobster, mussels, oysters, scallops, clams
  • eggs
  • dairy products – milk, yoghurt (especially Greek yoghurt), cheese (especially cottage cheese)
  • nuts (including nut pastes) and seeds – almonds, pine nuts, walnuts, macadamias, hazelnuts, cashews, pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, sunflower seeds
  • legumes and beans – all beans, lentils, chickpeas, split peas, tofu.

Some grain and cereal-based products are also sources of protein, but are generally not as high in protein as meat and meat-alternative products. To know more about protein click here 

3. Vitamins. this is also another food nutrient that is very essential. it is very essential because that help to protect the body from diseases and other disorders which can lead to poor development of the body. To be safe and always strong from germs, bacteria, disorders and other dietary related issues it is better you get more vitamins in the body. some of the examples of vitamins we have are vitamin A, Vitamin B, Vitamin C, Vitamin D, Vitamin E, Vitamin K. All these vitamins have a particular function they do for the body. Lets look at some examples of food that we can obtain vitamins from. Some are, Milk, Fruits, categorically fruits and vegetables and some other mineral element. Click here to read more about vitamins

4. Fats and OilsFats and oils are the most abundant lipids in nature. They provide energy for living organisms, insulate body organs, and transport fat-soluble vitamins through the blood. Meats in general as the source of fats and oil. read more

5. Mineral salts are responsible for structural functions involving the skeleton and soft tissues and for regulatory functions including neuromuscular transmission, blood clotting, oxygen transport, and enzymatic activity. Examples of food that we can get mineral salt from Nuts and seeds. Nuts and seeds are packed with an array of minerals but particularly rich in magnesium, zinc, manganese, copper, selenium, and phosphorus ( 3 ). ... Shellfish. ...Cruciferous vegetables,  Organ meats, Eggs, Beans, Cocoa, Avocados.

6. Water: this is a liquid substance that helps in the transfer of material through the blood stream. Water helps to carry the various food nutrients obtained to their various parts for it to start it functions. It is very advisable to always have more water in your body in order to prevent dehydration. So the best way to stay hydrated is by drinking more water everyday

7. Fiber: This also another food nutrient that is really needed in much quantity. The reason is that with the help of this fiber digestion of food becomes very simple since it act as a roughage. examples of food that contains fibre include all the vegetables and fruits we chew.

These nutrient are very important in relation to our health because from  the above discussion you will know benefits of the following foods and it function to the body . So when you really take in much of these food you  will always become very healthy.

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