How to prevent pregnancy

Many individuals loved to enjoy sexually  but they are not yet ready to welcome pregnancy. Don't worry this content is going to brief you on all the basic things you need in order not to get pregnant when you are not ready for it. 

Let quickly look at some of the steps, but have in mind that there are many several procedures or methods you can adopt so as not to get pregnant if you are not ready for it. Please don't be like you are feeling shy be wise enough to learn better things than to be like you don't care. Being wise most at times is the perfect solution to many problems if you don't know i am telling you. 

Many people get themselves protected from pregnancy by taking in some certain medicines in the form of pill, others too take some which is in the form syrup, Others too undergo special family planning to ensure that but as for those who get pregnant and later realize the cant carry their responsibilities go to the hospital to abort the baby. We are typically going to look at all the best measures you can adopt to prevent pregnancy if you are not ready.

The method of preventing pregnancy is termly known as birth control. This this is not for only females the males also have what they can do to also contribute to preventing pregnancy.

These are the methods you can ensure to prevent pregnancy 

1. Natural method. 

This is one of the safest method, it does not involved any kind of drugs. For the females this is best done by studying your period or menstrual cycle very well because that will let you know the best time to abstain from sex and the best moment you can have sex just to prevent pregnancy. Every females has menstrual cycle. Some people experience their period for 5 days, others too 4 days and for some other people too  6 to 7 days. But there are some cases some people experiences their flow for about 2 weeks close to three weeks due to some other conditions. Let me first pass this advise, this method is best for those who have a regular menstruation cycle, When i say regular menstruation cycle i mean they always experience their period every month. For them the method really works for them since they will be able to read their period correctly. Every female who does not have any problem have at most 7 days for their over flow. For such people after their period ends, the next 3 days is their short free period, When i say free period i mean they can have sex within that period without getting pregnant. After that the next 2 weeks following your period is the period where you would be having your ovulation, That means your system will be laying new eggs. This is the very most important period you need not to have sex because at this moment the chance of getting pregnant is very high because you cervix opens during that time. Please if you don't want any pregnancy try not to have sex within that period. Now after that 2 weeks the rest of the days left are the free long period (meaning you will not get pregnant when you have sex within that moment) till you have your next menstruation. 

2. The Use of condoms:

when we talk of condom we mostly channel it to the males forgetting the females, but do you know that we have both male and female condoms. The reason why the male's own is dominant is it is found every where you will go but for the females, their's is not common in some certain places. This is one of the methods you can ensure to prevent pregnancy.

3. Contraceptive pills; 

This is where the individuals are mostly found at. For the contraceptives pills they are the pills taken before or after unprotected sex to prevent pregnancy. There are a lot of the contraceptives pills. examples are for other foreign countries we have Mirena (levonorgestrel), Depo-provera ( medroxyprogestrone ), Implanon ( etonogestrel ), skyla ( levonorgestrel ), NuvaRing ( estradiol or Norgestimate ), etc. 

In Ghana we have Lydia contraceptive, Levon 2, Prostinor 2, Pregnon, etc

In Nigeria we have Combined pills, mini pills etc.

For the pills some are emergency pills and other too are taking on a daily basis to prevent pregnancy.

4. Vasectomy: 

This is for the males. It is done by cutting the sperm cord to prevent ejaculation during copulation. This procedure is  a permanent procedure which is done by a surgeon at the hospital.

5. IUDs ( Intra Ultrine Devices ) : 

these are devices that are inserted in the womb and some specific part of the body to prevent the sperms from staying there. This is mostly done at the hospital since it require skilled personnel. 

6. Spermicides : 

these are in the form of creams it is applied around the surface of the vagina to prevent pregnancy since it will sterilize the sperms for making them inactive.

7. Withdrawal method commonly known as pull out method : 

This method is for the males. During the moment of intercourse you will reach the ejaculation stage. This method is when you withdraw the penis from the vagina immediately you are getting to the point of ejaculating.

8. Tubal Ligation :

This is when closing a woman's fallopian tubes. When the fallopian tube is closed there will be no production of eggs into the womb so therefore there will be no pregnancy since the sperms can't move through the fallopian tube to fertilize the egg. This is done by a surgical method.

9. Implant; 

This is a small plastic rod that is placed under the skin in your upper arm by doctor or nurse. This plastic rod release hormone into your body that prevent pregnancy.

10. Abstinence:

this is the safest method ever. It involves staying away from sex and it related activities till when you are ready.



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