10 habits that damage your brain


When it comes to health we don't normally take good care of our brain as we take good care of our body, we tend to focus on other parts of the body and overlook the brain which is responsible for all bodily functioning. Take a look at some of these daily habits that is doing serious damage to the brain.


Consuming too much sugar, include brain damage to the things we already associate with the high sugaring tech, like type to diabetes, dental cavity and obesity so you may be asking how does too much candies affect your brain. Taking sugar for a long period of time messes the body's ability to absorb proteins and nutrients  this might consequently lead to malnutrition which retards brain development this happen because the body lacks enough nutrients in the blood stream and therefore it is unable to deliver sufficient nutrient to the brain which then affect it growth and development. Eating too many sweet can damage the brain ability to think so stake to alternatives like anti oxidant rich sweet like dark chocolate and raw berries will be enough better choice for both your brain and your waits line.


Not getting enough sleep, insufficient sleep is a huge problem for many business professionals. Depriving one self from sleep can lead to many issues such as extreme day time drowsiness, depression and impaired memory. Recent studies reveal that not getting enough sleep can actually decrease the size of the brain. the hippocampus is the part of the brain that suffers when you don't get enough sleep even a single night of inadequate sleep interfere with the  brain ability to recall new information. A number of studies has shown the brain clears it self from toxins when you are asleep. lack of sleep can also cause the dead of brain cells which slows down your thinking, impairs your memory, concentration, judgement and decision  making and hinders learning 


 Playing loud music with ear phones or head phones, people natural turn to crank up the volume to make it sound more fun and emmossive if you are constantly listening to music at high volumes with your ear phones or head phones you should stop doing it because loud music can damage your hearing but it is not only your ears that is affected, hearing loss in some other people is connected to the brain problem such as loss of tissues and alzhemer's . When your brain is making extra effort to understand what someone is saying it can't store that in the memory. Protect your brain by lowering the volume of your head set or head phones and sometimes take it off to help the brain have some rest 


Skipping breakfast, many people choose to skip breakfast probably because they are on a diet or to save time. Not many people know that missing break fast can damage your brain. The body need enough nutrient after a good night sleep so skipping breakfast denies the brain from some special nutrient. A Japanese studied over 80,000 subject for over a period of 15 years reveal that consistent skipping of breakfast increase the chances of getting stroke and high blood pressure. Another studies show that children need break fast on a daily basis to perform much better in school. Skipping breakfast reduce the blood glucose level and therefore affecting the functioning of the brain. So remember when your are about to leave the house you take in some breakfast 


Eating too much food, over indulging in food make us gain weight, feel bloated and increases our  chances of getting life threatening diseases but one factor you are not aware of is, it can cause serious damage to your brain because it hardens our brains arteries hence harming our mental capacities. Research has shown that eating too much calories food can increase a person's risk of getting a memory loss. A study published on journal neurology in 2012 examine 6000 people, 50 years old  on average the same participant were examine a decade later and once you are over weight you have a 22% higher deterioration of their cognitive function which is not the best hence affecting the brain.


Sleeping with head under cover, oxygen is very essential  for normal brain functioning. The less air you in hale, the poor the brain  functions . A situation where you breath in less than 20.95% is when you sleep with a blanket covering your head, this will elevate the excessive intake of  carbon dioxide which lead to increasing the rate of damaging your brain cells. Tips to improve the brain


Multi-tasking, you have probably heard that multi-tasking have a negative effect on your productivity. If you turns out doing this also scramble your brain and also make your brain inactive. It would be more advisable if your perform one task at a time 


Inadequate water intake, the body is made up of approximately 70% of water so it is vital to every bodily function including brain functioning. When your brain is functioning on a  full reserved of water you will think faster, be more focused and experience a greater clarity creativity. Water is also essential for delivering nutrients to the brain and for eliminating toxins, when the brain is fully hydrated it changes in nutrient and toxins will be more efficient that is ensuring better concentration and mental alertness.The brain needs sufficient amount of water to think faster and focus better so it is very important you stay hydrated all the time.


Smoking, it is one of the indulgence that has effect on the brain, smoking don't only give you lung cancer and heart disease it has a lot o of negative effect on the brain. Smoking damages cell membrane and neural viability that make it balance, coordination, fine and gross and motor skills but not only that, it also thin the cortex of the brain such as language, memory and perceptional care. Smoking also cause neuro inflammation.


Consuming too much alcohol, alcohol begins to affect a person brain the moment it enters the blood stream. However when someone drinks excessively the liver can not be fast to cease the alcohol which cause immediate changes in the brain of to known is getting drunk, alcohol cause chemical embounces on the brain which reduces the brain volume when this happen it largely affect the brain.      

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