How to be sexually strong

Many individuals are looking for the better ways to be very strong sexually. Don't worry this content contains all you need to make you very very responsive to sex and also to make you strong and last. In most of the countries and communities when we talk about being strong sexually they mostly draw their attention to the guys but not knowing the females also own part of this. But we are not going to talk about that of the females this content it is basically going be focused on males. So please take it serious and save your relationship with your wife or something else will happen. 

There are many several ways you can adopt to make you responsive, strong and last longer during sexual intercourse. Some of these measures are in the form of exercises, eating some kind of special foods and sometimes too drugs. But always note that natural remedies are the best since you will not experience an negative side effect. In this content we are going to talk about all the measures and from this, you choose the one which is good for you and your health.

Do you know something? if you are a guy and you cant sexually satisfy your partner you become the most annoying being to her during that moment. So please guys don't disgrace your self by not learning and applying special remedies to make you solve your issue to get a happy home. In some cases too the lady will tell you she is ok, but trust me she isn't so look sharp and solve your problems. Because these issues has led to the beak down of many relationships.

Take note: naturally a guy who is sexually strong last 5 to 6 minutes during first round of sex and for the second round he can last for about 40 to 60 minutes. A good sex is not about the number of minutes you keep on having sex, it is all about both of you satisfying your pleasure. The reason why most females enjoy sex which last for about 40 minutes is that they don't get their satisfaction early due to lack of some special intimacy that needs to be done before the real sex start. Some males just rush to have sex with their partners without making sure that the female is well ready to have sex. Before you begin to have have sex with you partner it is very advisable to play a serious romance which will lure both of you into the mood and when such thing like this is done trust me there will be no need to last for about 1 to 2 hours before your wife will get satisfied. What you will do at the early stage will make her get satisfied early. 

Let now look at the special remedies to help you to be responsive in order to be strong and last long in bed.

 Natural methods 

sometimes we can be strong sexually by eating some foods stuffs because these food stuffs will help to boost your testosterone. The list below are some examples of foods you need to be eating to last longer in bed.

1. Oyster : 

This is a particular male enhancement food is rich in Zinc, this element help increase the production of sperms and testosterone. Eating raw oyster can boost your libido.

2. Almond:

Almonds are variety of nuts. Nut are also known to be rich in fatty acids, which is vital in producing the male hormone that help to regulate the male libido.

3. Bananas :

This fruit contains potassium and vitamin B. These two help to boost overall energy, increase libido and help reduce impotence. 

4. Eggs:

This particular male enhancement foods help to balance the hormone levels and fight off stress and help restore the declining libido.

5. Juicy fruits:

Fruits such as water melon, mangoes, strawberries and peaches relax the body's blood vessels so that blood can easily flow to the penile area, thus increasing arousal.

6. Garlic: 

This natural male enhancement food is rich in allicin, which helps increase circulation to the sex organs.

7. Onions:

The antioxidants present in onions help to improve a man's sperm count naturally. In fact studies has shown that onions and ginger juice can help improve sperm count and libido. One table spoon of onion juice when taken with one teaspoon of ginger juice thrice a day can improve your sexuality. Learn more about symptoms of pregnancy


I will also choose this one because it will make you to be very strong physically and it also has no side effect. we have some special exercise that helps to boost your sexual life that is helping you to be very strong and last longer during sexual intercourse. Let's look at some of the exercises best recommended. 

1. Kegel exercise

If you want to have sex for long time you need a strong back and good core strength.

2. Raise legs with 90 degrees hold :

This increase blood flow in the genital area, which will improve the sexual performance and better orgasm.

3. Squats:

This improves one's strength and stamina of gluteus  muscles and upper legs thereby helping to improve performance. 

4. Push-ups:

This build up upper body strength, strong upper body strength can increase stamina because these are used during intercourse.

5. Cobra pose:

That is done by lying face down and raising you upper part of the body like how the cobra does. This will lower back strength and help in controlling the breath. Keeping a control over breathing is extremely essential during sex.


Many people uses drugs to enhance their sexual performance but some of the drugs are not the best because you will be experiencing some side effect of which i will be listing some to you. some of the drugs too are very good since it has no side effect and those drugs are mostly the natural ones. So please known the kind of drug to buy in order to saves your selves from some other problems as well. I will be listing some of the drugs for you.

1.  Sildenafil (viagra)

2. Romans ED

3.Dragon spray/ pills

4. Sertraline

5. Tadalafil ( Viagra)

There are a lot of drugs but these are some common ones you could find them around very easy.

Some of the drugs have side effect and some too don't these are some of the side effects especially for Sildenafil and Sertraline








facial flushing 

difficulty in sleeping 

Increased sensitivity to light 

muscle aches etc. 


Decrease in the level of sensitivity.

Please from this article choose the best method to save your life and relationship as well.

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