Watch how this man resisted a cutlass cut by using juju

Many people who want to be safe from attacks normally go for protection. Christians believe that It is the Almighty God who protect them whiles some other individuals or group of people too believe that is Allah who gives them a better protection and lastly some of the groups too depend on lesser gods for their protection. Christians and muslims do ensure their protection by praying to God or Allah but as for the lesser gods worshipers they also perform some certain rites and traditions which they believe that it is their source of protection. Some individuals too go extra miles to seek for some other kind of protections since they believe it works faster due to the kind of work they do. When such people visit places like that some are been given amulet to be place on certain part of the body, some are been bath in some kind of concoctions, others too are been asked to eat some certain stuffs and lastly others too are been given some kind of stuffs to go and hide some where. This video is one of the ways people go for their protection, this man was given something to eat and after that, there was some incantations on him. When this was done it has to be tested. Of course it do work watch the video of how this thing happen. This video even show that there is power some where as this man resisted a powerful cutlass attack. 

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