How to be smart

Relevant information on how to become smart

Being smart is one of the major key to success. There is a quote which says " Aside all the hard work you need to attach some heart touching percentage of smartness". Hard work without smartness will only make you suffer and waste much time without achieving much profit. This content is basically going to enlighten you with some important things you need to do to be very very smart. When we talk of smartness we are not only focusing on students but for every individual. 

So we are now going to know all the steps required to be very smart.. Now one will like to know the meaning of smart. Smart come along with many meaning depending the context it is been found in. But i will give you some of the meanings

1. Being smart mean having or marked by unusual and impressive intelligence or characterized by  quickness and ease in learning new abstract

2. Smart means giving criteria to guide in the setting of goals and objectives. 

The word SMART is an acronym that stands for 

S= specific

M= Measurable

A= Achievable 

R= Realistic

T= Timely

To become very very smart you need to set some goals for yourself .

We would all like to be smarter to be able to make better decision we need to and be able to remember what we have learned. The problem is leaning stop for most of us immediately we are out of school. We forget that learning is something we do through out our lives and not just for the period of our education. Your brain does not stop learning, It is powerful tool that need to be used otherwise it will waste away. Intelligence is genetic and environmental, the genetics possess something we have no control over however, we do have control over the environmental part. By incorporating learning into a daily routine  we can make ourselves smarter irrespective of how old or smart your brain may be. It doesn't have to be reading books packed with knowledge that will make you smart. The brain is a malleable and powerful tool. It response to a variety of  different stimuli which will help to increase your brain power. It is not always reading for too long will help to boost your brain but you have to incorporate some certain activities to your daily routine to help boost your brain.

Here are some of the things you can adopt along side your learning to help boost the brain in order to become smart 

1. Listening to podcast at 1.5/2x speed:

This is a simple technique you can use to consume more information in less time. You need to record some of the things your learn in the form of audio so that at some point in time you will listening it. During the period of the listening you need to increase the speed of the podcast a bit. The average rate of speech is about 150 words per minute but the that human brain is capable of digesting 275 to 300 words per minute. The effect is in two fold folds. The first is you will be able to listen more materials than reading  which will allow you to learn more within a short space of time. The Second one is the brain will change and be able to process information faster than before that will allow you to become smart and much quicker .

2. Play any game that involve critical thinking:

one of the best ways to make the brain become smart is playing more mind engaging games during your leisure times this will help you to become smart. During such an activity like that you will be engaging the mind fully, so during that moment the brain is been charged due to the moment you think very broadly to suggest more plans to ensure that you will not fail. Examples of such games include Puzzels, chess, dame, and a lot.  Take note research has shown that people above 60 who are engaging their selves in brain games get rid of a disease called dementia ( it mean loss of cognitive functioning, thinking, remembering and reasoning.). You need to use your brain power otherwise it will atrophy and your brain power will decrease.

3. Do task differently

This is one of the easiest thing you can do to increase your intelligence. It will be simple and some other way too it wont be simple . Lets take the case of waking up early in the morning and preparing for class, job or any other activity. What do you do immediately you wake up, The first thing is you brush your teeth, you take your bath and dress up to your place. Now lets consider the brushing of teeth it has become something you always do without not doing it just a single day you don't feel good, that is how the brain need to be trained. It has get some certain training to an extend that when you don't do it a day you are not feeling ok and that thing should be something that will in improving your brain and that will make you smart.

4. Change your diet:

Food is not only to feel your body but for the benefit of the brain too is added. Take note if you put in rubbish don't expect excellent to come out .What we eat is directly proportional to our mental and physical performance. What you eat can have a big effect on the functioning of the brain . Research has shown that Omega-3 Fatty acids e.g salmon are very good for brain development but deficiency of Omega-3 can lead to fatique, Poor memory and mood swings. Follow this link foods that boost the brain function and memory to know more foods that will help boost the brain in order to become smart.  

5. Teach

You don't have to become a teacher to get the benefit of this tip. Teaching your children or someone you know in school is all that you need. I notice that when i once became a pupil teacher that was when i realized that this thing is really working. Being a teacher isn't all that, you need to also do more research and learn more extract to get a perfect upper hand on what you are going to teach. During the period in the classroom and you are explaining things to them it later become your portion and your mind has also become wide on knowing that thing. 

Take note to smart, you have set a goal that will set as guide.  I am going to list out fives goals you can also follow to be smart

1. Define a specific goal

2. Make sure you can track progress

3. Create a goal that is realistic

4. Ensure your goal align with the organisation

5. Assign a target date to keep accountable

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